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Complaints Procedure.
Our Complaints Policy
We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all of our clients. When something goes wrong we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.​
Our Complaints Procedure
If you would like to raise a complaint about any aspect of the service that you have received or the way in which your matter has been dealt with this is the procedure that will be followed.
A complaint is any oral or written expressions of dissatisfaction which alleges that the complainant has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, distress, inconvenience, or detriment.
We aim to resolve any complaint you have about the service we have provided to you as quickly as possible. If you are unable to satisfactorily sort the issue out with the person who has been dealing with you, please contact us in writing at:
1600-1602 Coventry Road Yardley B26 1AL​
or by email to
Stage 1
1. Once we have received your complaint, we will write to you within 7 days to confirm receipt and explain how your complaint will be investigated. You will be told the latest date by which a complete answer will be given to your complaint (this should be not more than 28 days after your complaint was received). If you have made the complaint verbally (either at a meeting or on the telephone) we
will set out in our full response our understanding of the nature of your complaint and we may ask you to confirm certain points to us in writing.
2. The assessment of your complaint will be based upon a proportionate and fair investigation. We will explain in writing our findings and where your complaint is upheld we will offer remedial action or redress promptly.​
Stage 2
3. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome or any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you may contact:
Mr. Kevin Parsons, 1600-1602 Coventry Road, Yardley B26 1AL
or ask that your complaint is referred to him with details of why you disagree with the outcome. He will conduct a separate and independent review of your complaint.
4. You will be told about the conclusion of this review within 28 days of your complaint being referred to Mr. Parsons.
Stage 3
5. If, following the completion of the review of your complaint you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you may contact the office of the Legal Ombudsman to ask them to consider your complaint. The contact details are:
Legal Ombudsman
Address: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough. SL1 0EH
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
Web site:
Unless it agrees there are good reasons not to do so, in the first instance the Legal Ombudsman’s Office will expect you to allow us to consider and respond to your complaint in accordance with the procedure set out above.
Any complaints to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made within six months of our final decision on your complaint. The Legal Ombudsman may not deal with a complaint about a bill if you have applied to the court for assessment of that bill. The Legal Ombudsman can accept complaints up to one year from the date of the act/omission or one year from when the complainant should have known about the issue.
We are obliged to inform you that there are consumer alternative dispute resolution services available. Ombudsman Services, ProMediate and Small Claims Mediation offer such services. We agree to use such schemes.